‘Marionette’: Thekla Rueten heads back to Highlands…

Most recently seen in the action adventure 'Red Sparrow', Rueten will be at the heart of a psychological drama for 'Marionette'

Dutch actor, Thekla Reuten, who played Anna in the final Highlander film The Source, has gone on to significant success in a whole range of movies that include In Bruges, The American and most recently the action-spy thriller Red Sparrow as a fellow assassin alongside Jennifer Lawrence. She’s also appeared in the UK series Stan Lee’s Lucky Man.

Her next big project will see her returning to Scotland and the Highlands (though technically none of her scenes for the Highlander film were shot there). Thekla will be playing a child-psychiatrist in Marionette. Her character moves to Scotland after the death of her husband and begins treating a disturbed ten year old boy who draws illustrations that he says foretell the future. The film is to be directed by Dutch director Elbert van Strien (Two Eyes Staring, Uncle Hank) who co-wrote the film with Ben Hopkins) and will be shot in both Aberdeenshire and in the Netherlands later this year.

